Area of the Shaded Region Explanation & Examples

what is the area of the shaded region

As stated before, the area of the shaded region is calculated by taking the difference between the area of an entire polygon and the area of the unshaded region. The area of the shaded region is the difference between the area of the entire polygon and the area of the unshaded part inside the polygon. The vertex is the intersection of two straight lines. The area of the shaded region is #1/3# of the area of the circle. We can conclude that calculating the area of the shaded region depends upon the type or part of the circle that is shaded. Afterwards, we can solve for the radius and central angle of the circle.

Therefore, the area of the shaded region is 45 cm2. The area of the sector of a circle is basically the area of the arc of a circle. The combination of two radii forms the sector of a circle while the arc is in between these two radii. Firstly find the area of a smaller rectangle and then the area of the total rectangle. Here, the length of the given rectangle is 48 cm and the breadth is 22 cm. Noah said that both plots of land have the same area.

Common Area Formulae

This complete guide will teach you about different types of triangles as well as the methods for calculating the area of a shaded triangle. The calculation required to determine the area of a segment of a circle is a bit tricky, as you need to have a good grasp of finding the areas of a triangle. The picture in the previous section shows that we have a sector and a triangle. The remaining value which we get will be the area of the shaded region. Find the area of the shaded region by subtracting the area of the small shape from the area of the larger shape. why invest in airline stocks The result is the area of only the shaded region, instead of the entire large shape.

Rectangle A

In this example, the area of the circle is subtracted from the area of the larger rectangle. Examine the following diagram to work out the shaded triangle’s area. Find the singapore dollar to british pound sterling exchange rate convert sgd area of the shaded triangle in the figure given below. Consider the shaded triangle in the following figure. Shaded triangles are provided in a variety of ways in mathematics so that their area can be calculated using an appropriate method.

what is the area of the shaded region

In today’s lesson, we will use the strategy of calculating the area of a large shape and the area of the smaller shapes it encloses to find the area of the shaded region between them. The ways of finding the area of the shaded region may depend upon the shaded region given. For instance, if a completely shaded square is given then the area of the shaded region is the area of that square. When the dimensions of the shaded region why sdlc is important to your business can be taken out easily, we just have to use those in the formula to find the area of the region. We can observe that the outer square has a circle inside it.

Find the Area of the Shaded Region of a Circle: Clear Examples

In the example mentioned, the yard is a rectangle, and the swimming pool is a circle. Often, these problems and situations will deal with polygons or circles. Consider a similar example with a square given in the figure and find the area of the shaded triangle.

  1. Let’s see a few examples below to understand how to find the area of a shaded region in a square.
  2. Such questions always have a minimum of two shapes, for which you need to find the area and find the shaded region by subtracting the smaller area from the bigger area.
  3. Find the area of the shaded region by subtracting the area of the small shape from the area of the larger shape.
  4. Some examples of two-dimensional regions are inside a circle or inside a polygon.
  5. The result is the area of only the shaded region, instead of the entire large shape.

Shaded Area Formula:

There are many common polygons and shapes that we might encounter in a high school math class and beyond. Some of the most common are triangles, rectangles, circles, and trapezoids. Many other more complicated shapes like hexagons or pentagons can be constructed from a combination of these shapes (e.g. a regular hexagon is six triangles put together). Other shapes like parallelograms are more general. They can have a formula for area, but sometimes it is easier to find the shapes we already recognize within them.

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